Suboxone Providers & Doctors in Klamath Falls, OR

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Below is a comprehensive directory of suboxone doctors in Klamath Falls, Oregon. Read more about Klamath Falls suboxone treatment or click here to browse your local subxone doctors.

If you can't find a suboxone doctor close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Altamont, Midland, Olene and Keno. Clck here for Klamath Falls rehab centers.

For Help Finding Suboxone Providers Near You Please Call (866) 256-3258 ? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with Addiction Treatment Magazine to connect you with a Provider or Addiction Recovery Resource, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

About Klamath Falls, OR Suboxone Doctors

Buprenorphine-naloxone is a medication offered as medication assisted treatment (MAT) as a replacement for methadone. As opposed to methadone, which is solely administered via a methadone clinic every day, Suboxone prescriptions can be issued by licensed Suboxone doctors in Klamath Falls, OR. Suboxone was the first medication that passed FDA approval to be prescribed by a physician to treat opioid addiction. This has increased the accessibility to rehab options and resources for people in Klamath Falls, OR trying to recover from opioid addiction.

Dr. Raphael Allred MD
3810 South 6th Street
Klamath Falls, OR
0.13 miles from the center of Klamath Falls, OR
Theresa Bubenzer NP
6412 S 6th Street
Klamath Falls, OR
0.13 miles from the center of Klamath Falls, OR
Catherine Ruth MD
2074 S 6th Street
Klamath Falls, OR
0.57 miles from the center of Klamath Falls, OR
Kyleen Luhrs MD
2801 Dagget Ave
Klamath Falls, OR
1.34 miles from the center of Klamath Falls, OR
Dr. Joyce Hollander-Rodriguez MD
Cascades East Family Practice2801 Daggett Avenue
Klamath Falls, OR
2.29 miles from the center of Klamath Falls, OR
Dr. Margaret Jolley MD
2821 Daggett Ave
Klamath Falls, OR
2.29 miles from the center of Klamath Falls, OR
Dr. Robert Jackman MD
2821 Daggett Avenue
Klamath Falls, OR
2.29 miles from the center of Klamath Falls, OR
Matthew Peters MD
2821 Daggett Avenue
Klamath Falls, OR
2.29 miles from the center of Klamath Falls, OR
Dr. Carolyn Pierce MD
2821 Daggett Ave
Klamath Falls, OR
2.29 miles from the center of Klamath Falls, OR
Lisa Parker NP
Cascades East Family Practice2801 Daggett Ave
Klamath Falls, OR
2.29 miles from the center of Klamath Falls, OR
Dr. Bassel Choufani MD
2865 Daggett Avenue
Klamath Falls, OR
2.38 miles from the center of Klamath Falls, OR
Shelby Kirkpatrick PA
2865 Daggett Avenue
Klamath Falls, OR
2.38 miles from the center of Klamath Falls, OR
Dr. Aimee Rowe MD
2801 Daggett Avenue
Klamath Falls, OR
2.42 miles from the center of Klamath Falls, OR
Christopher Brown
2801 Daggett Avenue
Klamath Falls, OR
2.42 miles from the center of Klamath Falls, OR
Dr. Seth Einterz MD
2801 Daggett Avenue
Klamath Falls, OR
2.42 miles from the center of Klamath Falls, OR
Amanda Mallory NP
330 Chiloquin Boulevard
Chiloquin, OR
25.31 miles from the center of Klamath Falls, OR
Benjamin Stuart NP
330 Chiloquin Boulevard
Chiloquin, OR
25.31 miles from the center of Klamath Falls, OR
Anjanette Devine
330 Chiloquin Boulevard
Chiloquin, OR
25.31 miles from the center of Klamath Falls, OR
Rachel Klein NP
1014 Terra Avenue
Ashland, OR
46.34 miles from the center of Klamath Falls, OR
Dr. David Snook MD
367 Normal Avenue
Ashland, OR
46.48 miles from the center of Klamath Falls, OR
Dr. Daniel Weiner DO
99 Central Avenue
Ashland, OR
48.07 miles from the center of Klamath Falls, OR
Dr. Mark Greenberg MD
638 North Main Street
Ashland, OR
48.4 miles from the center of Klamath Falls, OR
Dr. Shawn Sills MD
2925 Siskiyou Boulevard
Medford, OR
54.2 miles from the center of Klamath Falls, OR
Laurilee Sweeney NP
2925 Siskiyou Boulevard
Medford, OR
54.2 miles from the center of Klamath Falls, OR
Mary Huebner
2925 Siskiyou Boulevard
Medford, OR
54.2 miles from the center of Klamath Falls, OR
Dr. Lauralyn Carter-Meletich DO
3617 S Pacific Highway
Medford, OR
54.21 miles from the center of Klamath Falls, OR
Angela Carelli PA
777 Murphy Road
Medford, OR
54.22 miles from the center of Klamath Falls, OR
Dr. Brandon Lynch MD
555 Black Oak Drive
Medford, OR
54.56 miles from the center of Klamath Falls, OR
Eric Van Bean NP
555 Black Oak Drive
Medford, OR
54.56 miles from the center of Klamath Falls, OR
Stephanie Estes Christopher Ross
221 West Stewart AvenueSuite 101
Medford, OR
55.64 miles from the center of Klamath Falls, OR

Choosing a Klamath Falls, OR Suboxone Doctor

There is no shortage of options when selecting a Suboxone Doctor in Klamath Falls, OR. Selecting a Doctor for Suboxone or Buprenorphine can be difficult, and it is important to get the proper information. Suboxone is a drug, and like many other medications, abuse is common. This is why it is critical to get lots of information and get all of your questions answered. Suboxone does not cure addiction, but it can play a major role in the recovery process. If you are searching for a Suboxone Doctor in Klamath Falls, OR, always be certain that they match your needs in every way.

Success Rates of Suboxone Maintenance and Medically Assisted Detox

There are a lot of inconsistencies in the success rates of Suboxone and Medically Assisted Detox, usually depending on the quality of care. Not all Suboxone Doctors or Medically Assisted Detoxes provide the same level of care. Unfortunately, there is a high rate of fraud in the healthcare system, and even the Suboxone Maintenance industry is not immune to that. A trusted Suboxone doctor is recommended to increase the chances of success with Suboxone maintenance assisted treatment.

Treatment via a Suboxone doctor can be paid for by insurance or cash pay. Learn what your payment options are by contacting your Suboxone Doctor’s office. Remember that not all doctors accept all insurance plans. If you are eligible for coverage under your insurance plan, make certain you specifically inquire about what additional out of pocket costs may be associated. Lastly, always reach out to your insurance to confirm your deductible, out of pockets, and copays prior to going to the Suboxone Doctor in Klamath Falls, OR.

Alternatives to Suboxone Treatment in Klamath Falls, OR

Suboxone is only one of a number of treatment options for those addicted to opioids. There are alternative medication assisted treatments that have previously been used in Klamath Falls, ORto treat addiction to opiates, including methadone and Naltrexone. These medications might be available to you but have different regulations. For instance, only methadone clinics can administer methadone. For individuals who are determined to get clean and who have a supportive home environment or who live in a sober house, these medically assisted treatment options might work for you.

There are contraindications for the use of Suboxone for opioid addiction treatment. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Recent suicidal thoughts
  • Untreated mental health disorder
  • Pregnancy
  • alcohol addiction
  • Previous adverse reaction to Suboxone
  • Taking other medications that do not react well with Suboxone
  • Previous abuse of medication assisted treatments

For individuals who may not be able to receive Suboxone treatment, abstinence may be the best alternative option. For individuals who plan to go through a clean-slate withdrawal can expect severe flu-like withdrawal symptoms and severe cravings. It is highly recommended to get help from a Klamath Falls, ORopioid detoxification center that can help manage these symptoms.

Paying for Suboxone Treatment in Klamath Falls, OR

Most private insurance companies provide coverage for Suboxone treatment programs to treat opioid addiction in Klamath Falls, OR. Public healthcare plans such as Medicaid and Medicare do also offer coverage for treating addiction to prescription opioid painkillers and illicit opioids via Suboxone.Coverage may differ based on the the different individual insurance plans. Reach out to your insurance provider to verify your coverage and to find a Klamath Falls, OR Suboxone doctor that your insurance will cover.

If an patient does not have insurance, the Suboxone brand does issue a savings card to to addicts who need help paying for treatment in Klamath Falls, OR. Learn more at

Find Treatment (866) 296-3016 ? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with Addiction Treatment Magazine to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our privacy policy.

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