Suboxone Providers & Doctors in Milburn, OK

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Below is a comprehensive directory of suboxone doctors in Milburn, Oklahoma. Read more about Milburn suboxone treatment or click here to browse your local subxone doctors.

If you can't find a suboxone doctor close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Tishomingo, Coleman, Bee and Ravia. Clck here for Milburn rehab centers.

For Help Finding Suboxone Providers Near You Please Call (866) 256-3258 ? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with Addiction Treatment Magazine to connect you with a Provider or Addiction Recovery Resource, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

About Milburn, OK Suboxone Doctors

Buprenorphine-naloxone is a drug offered as medication assisted treatment (MAT) as an alternative to the drug methadone. In place of methadone, which is generally administered by going to a methadone clinic every day, Suboxone can be prescribed by a Milburn, OK Suboxone doctor licensed to prescribe the medication in Milburn, OK. Suboxone was the first drug that was given to be prescribed by a physician to treat addiction to opioids. This has increased the resource and treatment options available to individuals in Milburn, OK who are ready to stop using opioids.

Dr. Paul Weathers DO
104 F Street PO Box 67
Milburn, OK
0.04 miles from the center of Milburn, OK
Heather Workman
104 W. F Street (PO Box 67)
Milburn, OK
0.04 miles from the center of Milburn, OK
Dr. Wellie Adlaon MD
508 East 24th Street
Tishomingo, OK
7.06 miles from the center of Milburn, OK
Dr. Deepak Jaiswal MD
702 Bryan DriveSuite 100
Durant, OK
18.78 miles from the center of Milburn, OK
Dr. Vivek Khetpal MD
2701 West University Boulevard
Durant, OK
18.83 miles from the center of Milburn, OK
Jacob Borgsmiller DO
1600 W. University Boulevard
Durant, OK
18.83 miles from the center of Milburn, OK
Laurel Stacy DO
1600 W University Boulevard
Durant, OK
18.83 miles from the center of Milburn, OK
Dr. Sangeeta Khetpal MD
2701 West University Boulevard
Durant, OK
18.83 miles from the center of Milburn, OK
Dr. William Harrison DO
1610 University
Durant, OK
19.25 miles from the center of Milburn, OK
James McKeehen DO
1399 Forest Lane
Durant, OK
19.25 miles from the center of Milburn, OK
Halie Muckelrath DO
Alliance Health1600 W University
Durant, OK
19.25 miles from the center of Milburn, OK
Dr. Frederick Murray MD
Choctaw Nation Regional Medical Center1801 Chukka Hina Blvd
Durant, OK
19.25 miles from the center of Milburn, OK
Satish Bagdure MD
1800 University Boulevard
Durant, OK
19.25 miles from the center of Milburn, OK
George Russell
1800 West University
Durant, OK
19.25 miles from the center of Milburn, OK
Ruth Fereday PA
1549 S Virginia Avenue
Atoka, OK
25.18 miles from the center of Milburn, OK
Dr. Richard Helton DO
108 W Ohio
Coalgate, OK
27.92 miles from the center of Milburn, OK
Tommie Stanberry PA
106 West Ohio Street
Coalgate, OK
27.92 miles from the center of Milburn, OK
1904 W. Broadway Street
Sulphur, OK
31 miles from the center of Milburn, OK
Dr. Dante Burgos
BHG Denison Treatment Center1105 Memorial Drive, Suite 101
Denison, TX
32.58 miles from the center of Milburn, OK
Dr. Phillip Nokes DO
1105 Michelin Road
Ardmore, OK
33.53 miles from the center of Milburn, OK
Dr. Baker Fore MD
1005 15th NW
Ardmore, OK
33.53 miles from the center of Milburn, OK
Dr. Bruce Gilmore MD
830 Franklin Drive
Ardmore, OK
33.53 miles from the center of Milburn, OK
Tasha Preston NP
2530 South Commerce
Ardmore, OK
33.53 miles from the center of Milburn, OK
Gregory Carlson MD
5012 US Highway 75
Denison, TX
33.81 miles from the center of Milburn, OK
David Pokorny NP
2214 W. Morton
Denison, TX
33.81 miles from the center of Milburn, OK
Jacob Hollenbeck DO
1921 Stonecipher Boulevard
Ada, OK
34.81 miles from the center of Milburn, OK
Laura Brewer-James NP
1921 Stonecipher Boulevard
Ada, OK
34.81 miles from the center of Milburn, OK
John Dickinson NP
1921 Stonecipher Boulevard
Ada, OK
34.81 miles from the center of Milburn, OK
Dr. Robert Horanzy MD
107 South 3rd Street
Davis, OK
36.92 miles from the center of Milburn, OK
Dr. Stephen Hutchins MD
301 Wanda Street
Marietta, OK
39 miles from the center of Milburn, OK

Choosing a Milburn, OK Suboxone Doctor

When looking for a Suboxone Doctor in Milburn, OKthere are several factors to consider. To ensure success via medication assisted treatment, selecting a practitioner that provides attentive care is important for success. Connect with the Suboxone doctor and ask them how closely they monitor their clients, if they typically allow clients to take a few doses of Suboxone home to be self-administered, and the length of time before they might begin sending clients home with multiple doses.

A few common factors that are important to consider when searching for a physician include whether they are accepting new patients, how far they are from the patient, and if their office hours align with the individual’s schedule Because of limits on the number of patients a Suboxone doctor can see, it may be challenging to find a qualified Suboxone doctor in or near Milburn, OK. However, if you have several personal responsibilities, then driving a long distance every day for your Suboxone treatment may be difficult. Our directory or helpline can help you in finding a Suboxone doctor is a good match for your circumstances and who is currently taking new patients.

Success Rates of Suboxone Maintenance and Medically Assisted Detox

Success rates of Suboxone maintenance vary . from one person to another. However, it is widely supported that Suboxone is the most realistic pharmaceutical detox option to battle opioid addiction. In regard to Suboxone as MAT, research has shown that like methadone there is still a potential for abuse. Due to the risk of abuse, it is highly advised by Suboxone physicians that medication assisted treatment is monitored closely to increase the likelihood of success. To reiterate, the highest success rates are recorded when individuals on Suboxone for opioid addiction pair medical treatment with other behavioral therapies and evidence-based options. Despite the stigma that some in the recovery community have, lots of people believe the research is clear and that medication assisted treatment does assist in recovery from opioid addiction!

Alternatives to Suboxone Treatment in Milburn, OK

The medication Suboxone is a combination of two drugs. Those drugs are buprenorphine and naloxone, and the combination of the two has been approved by the FDA for medical treatment of opioid addiction. However, in recent years Suboxone has received significant scrutiny because of the rates of addiction to Subxone. There has also been an increase observed of addicts in Suboxone treatment programs Milburn, OK having accidental overdoses. As a result, this has prompted others to search for alternative options. Other options addicts have sought out include methadone, going cold turkey, Subutex, or vivitrol. Various options are available and each person should research every option available with their physician before .

Paying for Suboxone Treatment in Milburn, OK

Subxone is covered by many insurance companies to treat opiate addiction in Milburn, OK. Public healthcare plans such as Medicaid and Medicare do also offer coverage for treating addiction to prescription opiate painkillers and illicit opioids via Suboxone.Coverage may vary depending on the the different individual insurance plans. Reach out to your insurance provider to confirm if your treatment is covered and to find a Milburn, OK Suboxone doctor that accepts your insurance.

For those who are uninsured, Suboxone does provide a savings card to help make this treatment more affordable to individuals in Milburn, OK. Learn more at

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