Suboxone Providers & Doctors in Grove City, OH

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Below is a comprehensive directory of suboxone doctors in Grove City, Ohio. Read more about Grove City suboxone treatment or click here to browse your local subxone doctors.

If you can't find a suboxone doctor close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Urbancrest, Darbydale, Lockbourne and Orient. Clck here for Grove City rehab centers.

For Help Finding Suboxone Providers Near You Please Call (866) 256-3258 ? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with Addiction Treatment Magazine to connect you with a Provider or Addiction Recovery Resource, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

About Grove City, OH Suboxone Doctors

Suboxone is a FDA-approved medication that is used to help treat people in Grove City, OH who are addicted to opiates, whether pharmaceutical, illicitly-made, natural, or synthetic opiates. Suboxone is a combination of buprenorphine and naloxone: a partial opioid agonist that alleviates withdrawal symptoms and desires to use without producing the same euphoria, and a opioid agonist that causes withdrawal symptoms if Suboxone is injected directly into the bloodstream. This medically assisted treatment (MAT) option is solely accessible through Suboxone doctors in Grove City, OH who have completed addiction requirements to prescribe Suboxone to those seeking opioid addiction treatment. To prevent abuse, Suboxone doctors may ask that patients come and take their dose at their office for the first weeks or months.

Before the year 2000, Methadone was the most common drug used for the treatment of opioid addictions, with the caveat that it could only be distributed by a methadone clinic. These limitations made it difficult to access medically managed treatment for addiction to opioid drugs. The Drug Addiction Treatment Act of 2000 made it possible for individual practitioners to be able to apply for a waiver, allowing them to prescribe Suboxone. It is important to[be aware that there are still many rules and regulations these doctors must follow that limit treatment, including limits to how many patients they are able to treat for opioid addiction.

Dr. Sara Alderman MD
4191 Kelnor DriveSuite 200
Grove City, OH
0.79 miles from the center of Grove City, OH
Nicole Jackson NP
1955 Ohio Drive
1.24 miles from the center of Grove City, OH
Melissa Henry Sweet
3847 Snowshoe Avenue
Grove City, OH
1.3 miles from the center of Grove City, OH
Dr. Kim Routh DO
Hope of Jabez, LLC4068 Gantz Road
Grove City, OH
1.3 miles from the center of Grove City, OH
Dr. Sara Alderman MD
1897 Ohio Avenue
Grove City, OH
1.3 miles from the center of Grove City, OH
Dr. Stephen Kebe MD
4068 Gantz Road
Grove City, OH
1.3 miles from the center of Grove City, OH
Dr. Angel Villanueva MD
Southwestern Recovery Center4461 Broadway Avenue
Grove City, OH
1.3 miles from the center of Grove City, OH
Dr. James Johnson DO
4160 Broadway
Grove City, OH
1.67 miles from the center of Grove City, OH
Dr. James Johnson DO
4160 Broadway
Grove City, OH
1.67 miles from the center of Grove City, OH
Michele Huffman NP
4160 Broadway
Grove City, OH
1.67 miles from the center of Grove City, OH
Nicole Jenkins
4160 Broadway
Grove City, OH
1.67 miles from the center of Grove City, OH
Ugoala Banks MD
Southwestern Recovery4461 Broadway
Grove City, OH
1.7 miles from the center of Grove City, OH
Carlos Rico MD
4461 Broadway
Grove City, OH
1.7 miles from the center of Grove City, OH
Rachael Haines PA
4461 Broadway
Grove City, OH
1.7 miles from the center of Grove City, OH
Dr. Robert Florea MD
65 Highview Boulevard
Columbus, OH
4.16 miles from the center of Grove City, OH
Brenna Goodwin NP
65 Highview Boulevard
Columbus, OH
4.16 miles from the center of Grove City, OH
Ashley Brannan
65 Highview Boulevard
Columbus, OH
4.16 miles from the center of Grove City, OH
Dr. Bryan Borland DO
100 Highview Boulevard
Columbus, OH
4.2 miles from the center of Grove City, OH
Soumya Kurian NP
100 Highview Boulevard
Columbus, OH
4.2 miles from the center of Grove City, OH
Bridget Onders
774 Prior Hall376 W. 10th Avenue
Columbus, OH
5.53 miles from the center of Grove City, OH
Sorabh khandelwal MD
760 Prior Hall376 West 10th Avenue
Columbus, OH
5.55 miles from the center of Grove City, OH
Patricia Bailey NP
20 S. 3rd Street, Suite 210
Columbus, OH
5.61 miles from the center of Grove City, OH
Dr. Kunal Tank MD
880 greenlawn avenue
Columbus, OH
5.86 miles from the center of Grove City, OH
Zamalle Malimar NP
880 Greenlawn Avenue
Columbus, OH
5.86 miles from the center of Grove City, OH
Dr. Daniel Bloch MD
1905 Parsons Ave
Columbus, OH
6.03 miles from the center of Grove City, OH
Dr. Daniel Bloch MD
1905 Parsons AvePrimaryOne Health
Columbus, OH
6.03 miles from the center of Grove City, OH
Dr. David McMahon MD
9085 Southern StreetSuite A
Orient, OH
6.05 miles from the center of Grove City, OH
Arrey Eyongherok NP
1430 South High Street
Columbus, OH
6.06 miles from the center of Grove City, OH
Cynthia Hites NP
1430 South High Street
Columbus, OH
6.06 miles from the center of Grove City, OH
LaBronz Davis MD
2872 West Broad Street
Columbus, OH
6.17 miles from the center of Grove City, OH

Choosing a Grove City, OH Suboxone Doctor

When choosing a Suboxone Doctor in Grove City, OHthere are numerous factors to think about. To get the best success with MAT, finding a practitioner that provides attentive care is critical for success. Connect with the Suboxone doctor and inquire regarding how closely they monitor their clients, if they typically allow clients to self-manage taking doses, and the length of time before they typically start sending clients home with multiple doses.

Availability, distance, and office hours are also important factors to consider when looking for a physician. Because of limits on the number of patients a Suboxone doctor can treat, it may be challenging to located a qualified Suboxone doctor in or near Grove City, OH. However, if you have several personal responsibilities, then driving a long distance every day for your Suboxone treatment may be difficult. Our directory or helpline can assist you in selecting a Suboxone doctor whose location and office hours work well for you and who is currently taking new patients.

Success Rates of Suboxone Maintenance and Medically Assisted Detox

An addictive drug in itself, it is widely debated on whether Suboxone actually helps individuals who are dependant on opioids. Some doctors have reported great success with Suboxone treatment, but others were not as lucky. One study reported that while on Suboxone there was a reduced rate of prescription painkiller abuse at 49%, but only 8.6% showed success once the Suboxone treatment ended. Other studies have shown similar relapse rates of about 90%, including cases where behavioral therapy was provided alongside Suboxone treatment.

Alternatives to Suboxone Treatment in Grove City, OH

Addiction, like other diseases, does not have a cure yet. As a result, there is a lot of debate regarding what the best treatment is. The dichotomy of arguments are either that abstinence is the best option or that it is better to be kept alive by Suboxone than to risk overdosing. Basically, the jury is still out; however, when following the recommendations of a qualified Suboxone Doctor in Grove City, OH, you have a much greater chance of success.

Financial Considerations for Suboxone Treatment in Grove City, OH

Those with and opioid addiction who are seeking out medication assisted treatment options in Grove City, OH will definitely need to be informed on the resources available to them. Whether they are covered under private health insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, or willing to pay cash monthly for their prescription. There are resources accessible to addicts that fall under each of those listed scenarios. The out-of-pocket price will differ depending on numerous factors which can be discussed with your local Grove City, OH Suboxone doctor. Commonly, each doctor has a cost associated with your office visit, counseling services, drug screenings, detox, or any additional medical requirements. We recommend checking with your individual insurance provider to find out if Suboxone treatment is covered. For Medicaid or Medicare to pay for Suboxone treatment it must be listed on the preferred prescription list. It will require that your doctor is a Medicare certified provider. Due to the fact that Suboxone is sometimes prescribed by an outpatient medication assisted treatment program it’s often not covered by Medicare.

Find Treatment (866) 296-3016 ? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with Addiction Treatment Magazine to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our privacy policy.

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