Suboxone Providers & Doctors in Embudo, NM

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Below is a comprehensive directory of suboxone doctors in Embudo, New Mexico. Read more about Embudo suboxone treatment or click here to browse your local subxone doctors.

If you can't find a suboxone doctor close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Velarde, Canova, Lyden and Dixon. Clck here for Embudo rehab centers.

For Help Finding Suboxone Providers Near You Please Call (866) 256-3258 ? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with Addiction Treatment Magazine to connect you with a Provider or Addiction Recovery Resource, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

About Embudo, NM Suboxone Doctors

Suboxone is a medication that is used to help treat those in Embudo, NM who are addicted to opiates, whether pharmaceutical, illicitly-made, natural, or synthetic opiates. Suboxone is a combination of buprenorphine and naloxone: a partial opioid agonist that reduces withdrawal symptoms and cravings without producing the same high, and a opioid agonist that causes withdrawal symptoms if Suboxone is injected directly into the bloodstream. This medically assisted treatment (MAT) option is solely accessible through a doctor licensed to prescribe Subxone in Embudo, NM who have completed addiction requirements to prescribe Suboxone for opioid addiction treatment. To avoid abuse, Suboxone doctors may require that patients visit their office to take their doses at the beginning.

Methadone was previously the most common pharmaceutical treatment used for opioid addiction management, however, it could only be distributed by a clinic licensed for methadone treatment. These limitations made it difficult to access medication managed treatment for opioid addicts. The Drug Addiction Treatment Act of 2000 created the option for individual practitioners to be able to apply for a waiver, opening the door for individual practitioners to prescribe Suboxone. It is important to[be aware that there are still many rules and regulations these doctors must follow that limit treatment, including limits to how many patients they are able to treat for opioid addiction.

Pamela Yven NP
Taos Medical Group1399 Weimer Road, Suite 200
Taos, NM
11.29 miles from the center of Embudo, NM
Liana Martinez NP
El Rito, NM
15.13 miles from the center of Embudo, NM
Dr. James Cardasis DO
Holy Cross Penasco ClinicPO Box 205
15.22 miles from the center of Embudo, NM
David Gould PA
State Road 75 #15136 PO Box 238
15.22 miles from the center of Embudo, NM
Raj Inder Khalsa NP
PO Box 1288
Santa Cruz, NM
15.39 miles from the center of Embudo, NM
Kimberly Joy NP
2010 Industrial Park RoadSuite A
15.59 miles from the center of Embudo, NM
Tina Gonzales
166 county road 119
15.59 miles from the center of Embudo, NM
Carol Hennessy NP
2010 Industrial Park Road
15.75 miles from the center of Embudo, NM
Leticia Martinez NP
2010 Industrial Park Road
15.75 miles from the center of Embudo, NM
Terry Waters NP
2010 Industrial Park Road
15.75 miles from the center of Embudo, NM
Siri Chand Khalsa NP
2010 Industrial Park RoadEl Centro Family Health
16.03 miles from the center of Embudo, NM
Elizabeth Donaldson
1010 Spruce Street
16.17 miles from the center of Embudo, NM
Olivia Kimble
1010 Spruce Street
16.17 miles from the center of Embudo, NM
Stacey Lambeth
1010 Spruce Street
16.17 miles from the center of Embudo, NM
Valerie Merl
1010 Spruce Street
16.17 miles from the center of Embudo, NM
Augustina Abbott NP
1010 Spruce Street
16.17 miles from the center of Embudo, NM
Dr. Chelsea Kirby MD
1010 Spruce Street
16.17 miles from the center of Embudo, NM
Alisha Gilmore NP
1010 Spruce Street
16.17 miles from the center of Embudo, NM
Jonathan Peachey NP
1010 Spruce Street
16.17 miles from the center of Embudo, NM
Yvette Fields PA
1010 Spruce Street
16.17 miles from the center of Embudo, NM
Biatris Barrera
1010 Spruce Street
16.17 miles from the center of Embudo, NM
Dr. Mark Bjorklund MD
PO Box 158111 North Railroad Avenue
16.36 miles from the center of Embudo, NM
Dr. Eric Ketcham MD
New Mexico Treatment Services1227 N. Railroad Ave., Suite C
16.36 miles from the center of Embudo, NM
Kristin Wilson NP
1000 Paseo de Onate
16.37 miles from the center of Embudo, NM
Dr. Julie Craig MD
Las Clinicas Del Norte21124 US-84
Abiquiu, NM
20.33 miles from the center of Embudo, NM
Dr. Mario Pacheco MD
5 Petroglyph CircleSuite A
Pojoaque, NM
21.69 miles from the center of Embudo, NM
Heather Bates NP
1331 Gusdorf Road
Taos, NM
23.62 miles from the center of Embudo, NM
Shannon Goddard PA
1331 Gusdorf Road
Taos, NM
23.62 miles from the center of Embudo, NM
Marcia Beatty NP
105 Paseo del Canon WestSuite A
Taos, NM
24.06 miles from the center of Embudo, NM
Dr. Christopher Blazes MD
Vista Taos259 Blueberry Hill Road
Taos, NM
24.08 miles from the center of Embudo, NM

Finding a Embudo, NM Suboxone Doctor

When searching for a Suboxone doctor in Embudo, NM one should first do their research on the options that are obtainable and covered by their insurance provider. Once you have a list of resources that you can afford make sure the choices provided are qualified. Qualified physicians and mid-level practitioners in America must have an have a particular license, referred to as an x-license, to be able to prescribe Suboxone as a medication assisted treatment option for an opioid addict. It is also recommended to enroll in additional treatment programs that encourage recovery, such as outpatient programs, or other evidence-based treatment options to increase success while on Suboxone.

Success Rates of Suboxone Maintenance and Medically Assisted Detox

There are a lot of inconsistencies in the success rates of Suboxone and Medically Assisted Detox, mostly depending on the quality of care. Not all Suboxone Doctors or Medically Assisted Detoxes provide the same level of care. Unfortunately, the healthcare industry is packed with fraud, and even the Suboxone Maintenance industry is no exception. A trusted Suboxone doctor is suggested to improve the chances of success with MAT assisted treatment.

Suboxone Doctors accept various insurance plans and cash payments. Learn what your payment options are by contacting your Suboxone Doctor’s office. Keep in mind that depending on the doctor, even if they accept insurance, they may not accept yours. If they do take your coverage, make sure you specifically inquire about what additional out of pocket costs may be associated. Lastly, always reach out to your insurance to confirm your deductible, out of pockets, and copays prior to going to the Suboxone Doctor in Embudo, NM.

Alternatives to Suboxone Treatment in Embudo, NM

Addiction is one of the many diseases without a cure. As a result, there is a lot of contention regarding what the best treatment plan is. The dichotomy of arguments are either that abstinence is the best option or that it is better to be kept alive by Suboxone than to risk overdosing. Very simply, the jury is still out; however, when following the care of a trusted Suboxone Doctor in Embudo, NM, you have a much greater chance of success.

Financial Considerations for Suboxone Treatment in Embudo, NM

Individuals seeking out medication assisted treatment options in Embudo, NM will certainly need to be informed on the resources available to them. Whether they are covered under private health insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, or willing to pay cash monthly for their prescription. There are resources accessible to individuals that meet each of those listed scenarios. The cost will vary on a case by case basis which can be discussed with your local Embudo, NM MAT provider. Typically, each doctor has a cost associated with each aspect of your treatment and any additional medical requirements. Please check with your individual insurance provider to make sure you have a solid understanding of how much of your Suboxone treatment is covered. For Medicaid or Medicare to pay for Suboxone treatment it must be listed on the preferred drug list. It will require that your doctor is a Medicare certified provider. Due to the fact that Suboxone is sometimes prescribed by an outpatient medication assisted treatment program it’s often not covered by Medicare.

Find Treatment (866) 296-3016 ? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with Addiction Treatment Magazine to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our privacy policy.

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