Suboxone Providers & Doctors in Macy, NE

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Below is a comprehensive directory of suboxone doctors in Macy, Nebraska. Read more about Macy suboxone treatment or click here to browse your local subxone doctors.

If you can't find a suboxone doctor close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Walthill, Rosalie, Decatur and Winnebago. Clck here for Macy rehab centers.

For Help Finding Suboxone Providers Near You Please Call (866) 256-3258 ? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with Addiction Treatment Magazine to connect you with a Provider or Addiction Recovery Resource, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

About Macy, NE Suboxone Doctors

Suboxone is a medication offered as medically assisted treatment (MAT) in place of methadone. In place of methadone, which is only administered at a methadone clinic daily, Suboxone prescriptions can be issued by licensed Suboxone doctors in Macy, NE. Suboxone was the first medication that passed government regulations to be prescribed by a physician to treat opioid dependence. This has increased the accessibility to recovery options and resources for people in Macy, NE who want to stop using opioids.

Dr. Mark Morgan MD
100 Indian Hills Road
Macy, NE
0 miles from the center of Macy, NE
Karen Reiser
304 Ivan Street
Pender, NE
17.4 miles from the center of Macy, NE
Kelly Bean
3410 Futures Drive
South Sioux City, NE
23.88 miles from the center of Macy, NE
Anna Waldner NP
600 4th Street, Suite 501
Sioux City, IA
26.18 miles from the center of Macy, NE
Andrea Harris NP
800 5th Street
Sioux City, IA
26.25 miles from the center of Macy, NE
Dorcas Kamau NP
Jackson Recovery Center800 5th Street Suite 200
Sioux City, IA
26.25 miles from the center of Macy, NE
Rachel Wurth NP
800 5th Street
Sioux City, IA
26.25 miles from the center of Macy, NE
Dr. Richard Brown Jr MD
Jackson Recovery Centers Adolescent Ctr.800 5th Street
Sioux City, IA
26.25 miles from the center of Macy, NE
Dr. David Paulsrud MD
Jackson Recovery Centers800 5th Street
Sioux City, IA
26.25 miles from the center of Macy, NE
Dr. Thor Swanson MD
Siouxland Community Health CenterP.O. Box 5410, 1021 Nebraska Street
Sioux City, IA
26.28 miles from the center of Macy, NE
Tonya Flaugh NP
1021 Nebraska Street
Sioux City, IA
26.28 miles from the center of Macy, NE
Jamie Wright NP
Siouxland Community Health Center1021 Nebraska Street
Sioux City, IA
26.28 miles from the center of Macy, NE
Dr. Steven Gordon
1021 Nebraska Street
Sioux City, IA
26.28 miles from the center of Macy, NE
Heather Stehr
Siouxland Community Health Center1021 Nebraska Street
Sioux City, IA
26.28 miles from the center of Macy, NE
Staci Schweder
211 Sioux Point Road Suite 200
Dakota Dunes, SD
27.5 miles from the center of Macy, NE
David Welch PA
211 Sioux Point Road STE 200
North Sioux City, SD
29.42 miles from the center of Macy, NE
Dr. Rashmi Ojha MD
2740 N Clarkson Street
Fremont, NE
46.04 miles from the center of Macy, NE
Dr. David Wolff
48.21 miles from the center of Macy, NE
Akron, IA
50.28 miles from the center of Macy, NE
Olatokunbo Awodele
12937 N 182nd Street
Bennington, NE
52.67 miles from the center of Macy, NE
Dr. John Franzen MD
1710 S 219th Street
53.28 miles from the center of Macy, NE
Andrea Parde
2341 West Shore Drive
Union, NE
54.47 miles from the center of Macy, NE
Dr. Tayo Obatusin MD
1301 Amberwood DriveSuite 4
Norfolk, NE
54.77 miles from the center of Macy, NE
Dr. Daniel Wik MD
110 North 37th Street Ste 103
Norfolk, NE
54.77 miles from the center of Macy, NE
Dr. Raymond Heller MD
302 West Phillip Avenue
Norfolk, NE
54.77 miles from the center of Macy, NE
Jean Allen NP
302 W. Phillip Avenue
Norfolk, NE
54.77 miles from the center of Macy, NE
Stacy Brandt NP
302 Philip Avenue
Norfolk, NE
54.77 miles from the center of Macy, NE
Nichole Cosgrove NP
110 N. 37th Street
Norfolk, NE
54.77 miles from the center of Macy, NE
Matthew Schneider NP
302 W. Phillip Avenue
Norfolk, NE
54.77 miles from the center of Macy, NE
Dr. Michael Coy MD
2808 North 75th Street
Omaha, NE
55.93 miles from the center of Macy, NE

Choosing a Macy, NE Suboxone Doctor

When searching for a Suboxone Doctor in Macy, NEthere are several factors to think about. To get the best outcome via medically assisted treatment, selecting a Suboxone doctor that provides attentive care is critical for success. Speak with the Suboxone doctor and inquire regarding their Suboxone treatment practices, if they ever allow clients to take a few doses of Suboxone home to be self-administered, and the length of time before they typically start allowing patients to self-administer multiple doses.

A few common factors that are good to consider when looking for a Suboxone doctor include whether they are taking new patients, their office proximity to the patient’s house, and if their office hours work with the addict’s schedule Because of limits on the number of patients a Suboxone doctor can treat, it may be challenging to find a qualified Suboxone doctor in or near Macy, NE. However, if you have several personal responsibilities, then driving a long distance every day for your Suboxone treatment might not be practical. Our directory or helpline can assist you in locating a Suboxone doctor who works well for you and who is currently taking new patients.

Positive Outcomes with Suboxone Maintenance and Medically Assisted Detox

The success of Suboxone treatment varies . from person to person. However, most can agree that Suboxone is the most successful medically assisted detox option to battle opioid addiction. In regard to Suboxone as medication assisted treatment, research has proven that similar to methadone there is still a possibility of abuse. With these types of risks, it is greatly recommended by Suboxone physicians that medication assisted treatment is monitored closely to increase the likelihood of success. To reiterate, the most successful patients that are able to overcome opioid addiction due so by combining medication assisted treatment in conjunction with inpatient programs, outpatient programs, or evidence-based options. Despite the stigma that some in the recovery community have, lots of people believe the research is clear and that MAT can lead to recovery!

Alternatives to Suboxone Treatment in Macy, NE

Suboxone is only one of the multiple treatment options for opioid addiction. There are alternative drugs that have historically been used in Macy, NEto treat addiction to opiates, including methadone and Naltrexone. These medications might be available to you but have different regulations. For example, methadone can only be administered at a licensed methadone clinic and not by an individual practitioner. For people who are determined to find recovery and who have a supportive home environment or who live in a sober house, these medically assisted treatment options could be right for you.

The following are indications that an individual is NOT a good candidate for Suboxone treatment:

  • Presence of suicidal thoughts
  • Untreated mental health disorder
  • Pregnancy
  • alcohol addiction
  • Previous allergic reaction to Suboxone
  • Drug interactions with other medications
  • Previous abuse of methadone or Suboxone

Addicts who may not be able to receive Suboxone treatment, unmedicated detox may be the only alternative option. Addicts who plan to take this route, they can expect severe flu-like withdrawal symptoms and severe cravings. It is highly advised to seek treatment from a Macy, NEopioid detoxification facility that can help manage these symptoms.

Paying for Suboxone Treatment in Macy, NE

Subxone is covered by many insurance companies to treat opiate addiction in Macy, NE. Medicaid and Medicare do also offer coverage for treating addiction to prescription opiate painkillers and illicit opioids via Suboxone.Coverage may differ depending on the specific insurance plan from each provider. Contact your insurance provider to confirm if your treatment is covered and to locate a Macy, NE Suboxone doctor that accepts your insurance.

If an person does not have insurance, Suboxone does issue a savings card to those we need help covering their addiction treatment in Macy, NE. Learn more at

Find Treatment (866) 296-3016 ? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with Addiction Treatment Magazine to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our privacy policy.

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