Suboxone Providers & Doctors in Detroit Lakes, MN

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Below is a comprehensive directory of suboxone doctors in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota. Read more about Detroit Lakes suboxone treatment or click here to browse your local subxone doctors.

If you can't find a suboxone doctor close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Audubon, Rochert, Frazee and Vergas. Clck here for Detroit Lakes rehab centers.

For Help Finding Suboxone Providers Near You Please Call (866) 256-3258 ? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with Addiction Treatment Magazine to connect you with a Provider or Addiction Recovery Resource, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

About Detroit Lakes, MN Suboxone Doctors

Buprenorphine-naloxone is a pharmaceutical drug offered as medically assisted treatment (MAT) as a replacement for methadone. In place of methadone, which is generally administered via a methadone clinic daily, Suboxone can be prescribed by a Detroit Lakes, MN Suboxone doctor licensed to prescribe the drug in Detroit Lakes, MN. Suboxone was the first pharmaceutical drug that passed government regulations to be prescribed by a physician to treat addiction to opioids. This has increased the resource and treatment options available to people in Detroit Lakes, MN trying to recover from opioid addiction.

Justine Wambach NP
2531 310TH AVE
17.75 miles from the center of Detroit Lakes, MN
Bonita Conner NP
White Earth MAT26246 Crane Road
White Earth, MN
22.13 miles from the center of Detroit Lakes, MN
Dr. Joshua Overgaard MD
712 Cascade Street S
Fergus Falls, MN
37.65 miles from the center of Detroit Lakes, MN
Dr. Mark Vukonich MD
712 S Cascade
Fergus Falls, MN
37.65 miles from the center of Detroit Lakes, MN
Kathryn Nevins NP
705 Pleasant Avenue
Park Rapids, MN
37.77 miles from the center of Detroit Lakes, MN
Chasity Phillips PA
705 Pleasant Avenue
Park Rapids, MN
37.77 miles from the center of Detroit Lakes, MN
Susan Bauer DO
705 Pleasant Avenue
Park Rapids, MN
37.77 miles from the center of Detroit Lakes, MN
Dr. Colt Edin MD
712 South Cascade Street
Fergus Falls, MN
38.14 miles from the center of Detroit Lakes, MN
Bruce Money MD
712 S Cascade Street
Fergus Falls, MN
38.14 miles from the center of Detroit Lakes, MN
Abel Bwianchinga
1801 W Alcott Avenue
Fergus Falls, MN
38.71 miles from the center of Detroit Lakes, MN
Dr. Laura DuChene MD
4 Deerwood Avenue NW
Wadena, MN
41.92 miles from the center of Detroit Lakes, MN
Dr. John Pate MD
Wadena Medical Center 4 Deerwood Avenue NW
Wadena, MN
41.92 miles from the center of Detroit Lakes, MN
Heidi Olson
4 Deerwood Avenue NW
Wadena, MN
41.92 miles from the center of Detroit Lakes, MN
Aaron Larson MD
Tricounty Healthcare415 N Jefferson Street
Wadena, MN
42.17 miles from the center of Detroit Lakes, MN
Lance Briggs NP
819 30th Avenue S Office 206
Moorhead, MN
43.66 miles from the center of Detroit Lakes, MN
Soha Alammoury
819 30th Avenue S
Moorhead, MN
43.66 miles from the center of Detroit Lakes, MN
Dr. Morris Hund MD
2101 Elm Street N
Fargo, ND
44.49 miles from the center of Detroit Lakes, MN
Dr. Louella Simpao MD
Fargo VA Healthcare System2101 Elm Street North
Fargo, ND
44.49 miles from the center of Detroit Lakes, MN
Dr. Walter Berger MD
VA Medical Center2101 Elm Street North
Fargo, ND
44.62 miles from the center of Detroit Lakes, MN
Dr. Elizabeth Faust
Fargo VA Health Care System2101 Elm St. N
Fargo, ND
44.62 miles from the center of Detroit Lakes, MN
Geoffrey Glidewell
1919 Elm Street North
Fargo, ND
44.62 miles from the center of Detroit Lakes, MN
Dr. Julie Jarvis DO
Prairie St. John's Hospital510 4th Street South
Fargo, ND
44.67 miles from the center of Detroit Lakes, MN
Dr. Joel Schock MD
Plains Medical Clinic3290 20th Street South
Fargo, ND
45.84 miles from the center of Detroit Lakes, MN
Brittany Michels PA
Family HealthCare301 NP Ave
Fargo, ND
46.42 miles from the center of Detroit Lakes, MN
Dr. Velda Givens DO
Prairie St. John's Clinic510 S 4th St
Fargo, ND
46.42 miles from the center of Detroit Lakes, MN
Chadwick Perry PA
3345 39th Street SSuite 2
Fargo, ND
46.42 miles from the center of Detroit Lakes, MN
Dr. Robert Cooper M D
2704 North BroadwaySuite C
Fargo, ND
46.42 miles from the center of Detroit Lakes, MN
Wendy Moore
901 28th Street ssuite B
Fargo, ND
46.42 miles from the center of Detroit Lakes, MN
Dr. Kenneth Egli MD
3523 45th St S.Suite 100
Fargo, ND
46.42 miles from the center of Detroit Lakes, MN
Harjinder Virdee
2704 North BroadwaySuite C
Fargo, ND
46.42 miles from the center of Detroit Lakes, MN

Finding a Suboxone Doctor in Detroit Lakes, MN

When choosing a Suboxone doctor in Detroit Lakes, MN a good place to start is to research the options that are available and covered by health insurance. Once you have a list of resources that meet your financial criteria make sure the physicians are qualified. Qualified medical doctors and mid-level practitioners in America must have an have a particular license, referred to as an x-license, in order for them to prescribe Suboxone as a medication assisted treatment option for an opioid addict. It is also recommended to enroll in additional treatment programs that support recovery, such as outpatient programs, or other evidence-based treatment options to ensure the most effective results while on Suboxone.

Success Rates of Suboxone Maintenance and Medically Assisted Detox

An addictive drug in itself, there is lots of uncertainty on whether Suboxone actually helps individuals who are dependant on opioids. Some doctors have said to have experienced great success with Suboxone treatment, but others were not as lucky. One study reported that 49% of participants abused prescription painkillers at a reduced rate while on Suboxone, but only 8.6% showed success once the Suboxone treatment ended. Other studies have shown similar relapse rates of about 90%, including cases where behavioral therapy was provided alongside Suboxone treatment.

Alternatives to Suboxone Treatment in Detroit Lakes, MN

Addiction is one of the many diseases without a cure. Consequently, there is a lot of contention regarding what the best treatment plan is. The dichotomy of arguments are either that abstinence is the best option or that it is better to be kept alive by Suboxone than to risk overdosing. To sum it up, the jury is still out; however, when following the care of a licensed Suboxone Doctor in Detroit Lakes, MN, the probability of success goes up tremendously.

Insurance coverage or cash pay options in Detroit Lakes, MN

Those with and opioid addiction who are seeking out medication assisted treatment options in Detroit Lakes, MN will certainly need to be aware of the options available to them. Information is important regardless of whether their insurance covers treatment or they are willing to pay cash monthly for their Suboxone treatment. There are resources available to individuals that fall under any number of special circumstances. The out-of-pocket price will vary on a case by case basis which can be discussed with your local Detroit Lakes, MN Suboxone doctor. Often, each doctor has a cost associated with your office visit, counseling services, drug screenings, detox, or any additional medical requirements. Please check with your individual insurance provider to find out if Suboxone treatment is covered. For Suboxone to be covered by Medicaid or Medicare it must be listed on the preferred drug list. Additionally, only Suboxone prescribed by Medicare and Medicaid certified providers is covered by government insurance plans. Since Suboxone is sometimes prescribed by an outpatient medication assisted treatment program it’s often not covered by Medicare.

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