Suboxone Providers & Doctors in Greensburg, IN

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Below is a comprehensive directory of suboxone doctors in Greensburg, Indiana. Read more about Greensburg suboxone treatment or click here to browse your local subxone doctors.

If you can't find a suboxone doctor close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Adams, Burney, Saint Paul and Letts. Clck here for Greensburg rehab centers.

For Help Finding Suboxone Providers Near You Please Call (866) 256-3258 ? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with Addiction Treatment Magazine to connect you with a Provider or Addiction Recovery Resource, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

About Greensburg, IN Suboxone Doctors

Buprenorphine-naloxone is a drug offered as medication assisted treatment (MAT) in place of methadone. As opposed to methadone, which is solely administered via a methadone clinic daily, Suboxone prescriptions can be written by licensed Suboxone doctors in Greensburg, IN. Suboxone was the first drug that passed FDA approval to be prescribed by a medical doctor to treat opioid dependence. This has increased the resource and treatment options available to people in Greensburg, IN seeking opioid addiction treatment.

Leah Knight NP
1640 East State Rd 44Suite B
Shelbyville, IN
18.64 miles from the center of Greensburg, IN
Dr. Douglas Mulinix
202 Myers Road
Danville, IN
18.92 miles from the center of Greensburg, IN
Dr. Amy Glaser-Carpenter MD
112 North Buckeye Street
Osgood, IN
19.04 miles from the center of Greensburg, IN
Dr. Katherine Lisoni
420 West 4th Street
South Bend, IN
19.08 miles from the center of Greensburg, IN
Dr. Alice Wood
2920 McIntire DriveSuite 250
Bloomington, IN
21.6 miles from the center of Greensburg, IN
Dr. Kevin Terrell DO
Columbus Regional Hospital2400 East 17th Street
Columbus, IN
23.39 miles from the center of Greensburg, IN
Amber James NP
2630 22nd Street
Columbus, IN
23.43 miles from the center of Greensburg, IN
Dr. Theodora Saddoris MD
2753 Foxpointe Drive
Columbus, IN
24.37 miles from the center of Greensburg, IN
Lauren Lutz NP
720 N Marr Road
Columbus, IN
24.37 miles from the center of Greensburg, IN
Angela Nielsen NP
2326 18th streetSuite 220
Columbus, IN
24.37 miles from the center of Greensburg, IN
Amy Whistler NP
1321 South Jackson Street
Salem, IN
24.37 miles from the center of Greensburg, IN
Dr. John Nieters MD
2753 Foxpointe Drive
Columbus, IN
24.37 miles from the center of Greensburg, IN
Aimee Hamm NP
201 West Main Cross Street
Edinburgh, IN
24.82 miles from the center of Greensburg, IN
Victoria Scwharten NP
5818 Columbia Avenue
Hammond, IN
25.19 miles from the center of Greensburg, IN
Beverly Metze NP
11137 US Highway 52
Brookville, IN
27.25 miles from the center of Greensburg, IN
Jill Pease PA
3554 Promenade Parkway
Lafayette, IN
28.29 miles from the center of Greensburg, IN
Cecilia Dapilah NP
1941 Virginia Avenue
28.88 miles from the center of Greensburg, IN
Denise Mann NP
1941 Virginia Avenue
Connersville, IN
28.88 miles from the center of Greensburg, IN
Dr. John Nwannunu MD
2025 Virginia Avenue
Connersville, IN
28.94 miles from the center of Greensburg, IN
Adam Wooten MD
Fayette Regional Health System1941 Virginia Avenue
Connersville, IN
28.94 miles from the center of Greensburg, IN
Dr. Thomas Small MD
294 Carriage Court
Franklin, IN
29.79 miles from the center of Greensburg, IN
Tamika Turner NP
8856 South Street
Indianapolis, IN
33.79 miles from the center of Greensburg, IN
Dr. Joseph Koenigsmark DO
626 W 2nd StreetProTech Recovery
Seymour, IN
34.17 miles from the center of Greensburg, IN
Andrea Keane NP
626 W 2nd Street
Seymour, IN
35.05 miles from the center of Greensburg, IN
Dr. Andrew Sonderman MD
898 East Main
Greenwood, IN
36.09 miles from the center of Greensburg, IN
Dr. Marco Baquero MD
898 East Main Street
Greenwood, IN
36.09 miles from the center of Greensburg, IN
Dr. Catherine Herod MD
898 E. Main Street
Greenwood, IN
36.09 miles from the center of Greensburg, IN
Michael Coryea NP
898 East Main Street
Greenwood, IN
36.09 miles from the center of Greensburg, IN
Tamara Reynolds NP
909 East State Boulevard
Fort Wayne, IN
36.09 miles from the center of Greensburg, IN
Rachel Waltz NP
210 N. Tillotson AvenueIU Health Ball Memorial Hospital
Muncie, IN
36.17 miles from the center of Greensburg, IN

Choosing a Greensburg, IN Suboxone Doctor

When searching for a Suboxone Doctor in Greensburg, INthere are a few important factors to consider. To get the best success via medically assisted treatment, selecting a physician that monitors your progress closely is important for success. Speak with the physician and inquire regarding how closely they monitor their clients, if they typically allow patients to take a few doses of Suboxone home to be self-administered, and how long before they typically start sending clients home with multiple doses.

Availability, distance, and office hours are also important factors to consider when searching for a license practitioner. As a result of limits on the number of patients a physician can care for, it may be challenging to identify a qualified physician in or near Greensburg, IN. However, if you have various personal responsibilities, then driving across town for your Suboxone treatment might not be practical. Our directory or helpline can help you in selecting a physician whose location and office hours work well for you and who is currently taking new patients.

Success Rates of Suboxone Maintenance and Medically Assisted Detox

There are a lot of inconsistencies in the success rates of Suboxone and Medically Assisted Detox, frequently depending on the quality of care. Not all Suboxone Doctors or Medically Assisted Detoxes are equal. Unfortunately, the healthcare industry is rampant with fraud, and even the Suboxone Maintenance industry is no exception. To encourage a higher success rate while on Suboxone Maintenance, we suggest using a reputable Suboxone Doctor.

Suboxone Doctors accept various insurance plans and cash payments. Find out how you can pay for treatment by contacting your Suboxone Doctor’s office. Remember that not all doctors accept all insurance plans. If your doctor is in-network with your provider, make sure you ask them what additional out of pocket costs may be associated. Finally, always call your insurance to confirm your deductible, out of pockets, and copays prior to going to the Suboxone Doctor in Greensburg, IN.

Alternatives to Suboxone Treatment in Greensburg, IN

Addiction is one of the many diseases that does not have a cure. As a result, there is a lot of debate regarding what the best treatment is. Some say ‘abstinence is best, the fewer chemicals we put in our bodies, the better.’ Others say, ‘I’d rather have my loved one alive and on medication, then die from an overdose.’ To sum it up, the debate it ongoing; however, when following the prescribed instructions of a reliable Suboxone Doctor in Greensburg, IN, the likelihood of success improves exponentially.

Paying for Suboxone Treatment in Greensburg, IN

Most private insurance companies provide coverage for Suboxone treatment programs to treat opioid addiction in Greensburg, IN. Medicaid and Medicare do also cover treatment for addiction to prescription opioid painkillers and illicit opiates via Suboxone.Coverage may be different depending on the the different individual insurance plans. Contact your insurance provider to find out if they cover Suboxone treatment and to locate a Greensburg, IN Suboxone doctor that your insurance will cover.

If an addict does not have insurance, Suboxone does offer a savings card to those we need assistance covering their addiction treatment in Greensburg, IN. Learn more at

Find Treatment (866) 296-3016 ? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with Addiction Treatment Magazine to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our privacy policy.

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