Suboxone Providers & Doctors in Peru, IL

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Below is a comprehensive directory of suboxone doctors in Peru, Illinois. Read more about Peru suboxone treatment or click here to browse your local subxone doctors.

If you can't find a suboxone doctor close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Dalzell, La Salle, Spring Valley and Ladd. Clck here for Peru rehab centers.

For Help Finding Suboxone Providers Near You Please Call (866) 256-3258 ? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with Addiction Treatment Magazine to connect you with a Provider or Addiction Recovery Resource, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

About Peru, IL Suboxone Doctors

Suboxone is a medication offered as medically assisted treatment (MAT) in place of methadone. In place of methadone, which is typically administered by going to a methadone clinic every day, Suboxone prescriptions can be written by licensed Suboxone doctors in Peru, IL. Suboxone was the first medication that was given to be prescribed by a doctor to treat addiction to opioids. This has increased the accessibility to rehab options and resources for individuals in Peru, IL who are ready to stop using opioids.

Jennifer Olesen NP
920 West StreetSuite 311
Peru, IL
1.37 miles from the center of Peru, IL
Dr. Mark Mc Vay DO
112 West Center StreetPO Box 2515
Ottawa, IL
15.25 miles from the center of Peru, IL
Dr. Adeyemi Fatoki MD
315 E McKinley Road
Ottawa, IL
15.58 miles from the center of Peru, IL
Dr. Daniel Saviano MD
Perry Memorial Hospital530 Park Avenue East
Princeton, IL
16.59 miles from the center of Peru, IL
Shitaldas Pamnani
530 Park Avenue E
Princeton, IL
16.59 miles from the center of Peru, IL
John Ibrahim MD
530 Park Avenue EastSuit 303
Princeton, IL
17.11 miles from the center of Peru, IL
Cory Kramer NP
2128 N. Main Street
Princeton, IL
17.19 miles from the center of Peru, IL
Dr. Paul Bonucci
Perry Memorial Prompt Care2128 North Main Street
Princeton, IL
17.19 miles from the center of Peru, IL
Dr. Kwang Chung MD
Earlville Medical ClinicBox 607
Earlville, IL
19.89 miles from the center of Peru, IL
Dr. Raj Uppal MD
Spine and Pain Care Center1310 N. Main street, Suite 205
Sandwich, IL
33.88 miles from the center of Peru, IL
Cheryl Baxter -Bruno NP
1401 Lakewood DriveSUITE 100
Morris, IL
36.07 miles from the center of Peru, IL
Dr. Mark Mc Vay DO
Crossroads Counseling Services1802 North Division Street, Suite 604
Morris, IL
36.61 miles from the center of Peru, IL
Dr. David Vermillion MD
1300 Dresden Drive
Morris, IL
36.61 miles from the center of Peru, IL
Dr. Ronald Wuest MD
1401 Lakewood DriveSuite A
Morris, IL
36.61 miles from the center of Peru, IL
Melissa Inman
1118 Turkington Terrace
Rochelle, IL
40.44 miles from the center of Peru, IL
Kelly Davis
1212 Currency Court
Rochelle, IL
40.71 miles from the center of Peru, IL
Dr. Denice Smith MD
Whiteside County Health Department1300 West Second Street
Rock Falls, IL
40.97 miles from the center of Peru, IL
Jennie Krull NP
507 W. Kendall DriveSuite 1
Yorkville, IL
41.53 miles from the center of Peru, IL
Dr. Kelley Guthrie MD
1300 W. 2nd St.
Rock Falls, IL
41.85 miles from the center of Peru, IL
Michelle Blackmer NP
1300 W 2nd Street
Rock Falls, IL
41.85 miles from the center of Peru, IL
Jeanne Nailor NP
1300 W 2nd Street
Rock Falls, IL
41.85 miles from the center of Peru, IL
Dr. Afrem Malki MD
2206 Hubbard
Sterling, IL
42.42 miles from the center of Peru, IL
Dr. Hassnain Syed MD
603 West Mondamin Street
Minooka, IL
44.96 miles from the center of Peru, IL
Aimee Hubler NP
1030 Hillcrest Drive
Washington, IL
46.65 miles from the center of Peru, IL
Hem Aggarwal
217 Capitol Drive Suite B
Sugar Grove, IL
46.65 miles from the center of Peru, IL
Dennis Richrath NP
5401 N Knoxville AvenueSuite 416
Peoria, IL
47.1 miles from the center of Peru, IL
Dr. Robert Lizer DO
5401 N. Knoxville AvenueSuite 204
Peoria, IL
47.1 miles from the center of Peru, IL
Anton Grasch MD
5901 N Prospect RoadSuite 101B
Peoria, IL
47.21 miles from the center of Peru, IL
Ronald Mejzak DO
909 W. Burnside Drive
Peoria, IL
47.48 miles from the center of Peru, IL
Dr. Paula Hobson MD
1850 Gateway Drive
Sycamore, IL
47.6 miles from the center of Peru, IL

Finding a Peru, IL Suboxone Doctor

When searching for a Suboxone doctor in Peru, IL one should first do their research on the options that are available and covered by their insurance provider. Once you have a list of resources that meet your financial criteria make sure the doctors are qualified. Qualified doctors and mid-level practitioners in the U.S. must have an have a particular license, referred to as an x-license, to be able to prescribe Suboxone as a medication assisted treatment option for an opioid addict. These individuals should also offer some sort of community involvement to ensure success whether that involves outpatient programs, or other evidence-based treatment options to ensure the most effective results while partaking in medication assisted treatment.

Success Rates of Suboxone Maintenance and Medically Assisted Detox

There are a lot of inconsistencies in the success rates of Suboxone and Medically Assisted Detox, mostly depending on the quality of care. Not all Suboxone Doctors or Medically Assisted Detoxes are equal. Unfortunately, there is a high rate of fraud in the healthcare system, and even the Suboxone Maintenance industry is no exception. A trusted Suboxone doctor is advised to improve the chances of success with MAT assisted treatment.

Suboxone Doctors accept various insurance plans and cash payments. Always speak with the Suboxone Doctor, as to what their payment options are. Remember that depending on the doctor, even if they accept insurance, they may not accept yours. If you are eligible for coverage under your insurance plan, make certain you ask them what additional out of pocket costs may be associated. Finally, always call your insurance to check your deductible, out of pockets, and copays prior to going to the Suboxone Doctor in Peru, IL.

Alternatives to Suboxone Treatment in Peru, IL

Addiction, like other diseases, does not have a cure yet. Consequently, there is a lot of contention regarding what the best approach to treatment. The dichotomy of arguments are either that abstinence is the best option or that it is better to be kept alive by Suboxone than to risk overdosing. To sum it up, there isn’t a consensus; however, when following the care of a qualified Suboxone Doctor in Peru, IL, you have a much greater chance of success.

Financial Considerations for Suboxone Treatment in Peru, IL

Individuals seeking out MAT options in Peru, IL will certainly need to be informed on the resources available to them. Whether they are covered under private health insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, or willing to pay cash monthly for their prescription. There are resources available to individuals that fall under any number of special circumstances. The cost will vary on a case by case basis which can be discussed with your local Peru, IL Suboxone doctor. Generally, each doctor has a cost associated with each aspect of your treatment and any additional medical requirements. We advise checking with your individual insurance provider to make sure you have a good understanding of how much of your Suboxone treatment is covered. For Medicaid or Medicare to pay for Suboxone treatment it must be listed on the preferred drug list. Additionally, only Suboxone prescribed by Medicare and Medicaid certified providers is covered by government insurance plans. Due to the fact that Suboxone is often given in an outpatient MAT program it’s often not covered by Medicare.

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