Suboxone Providers & Doctors in Riverdale, GA

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Below is a comprehensive directory of suboxone doctors in Riverdale, Georgia. Read more about Riverdale suboxone treatment or click here to browse your local subxone doctors.

If you can't find a suboxone doctor close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Morrow, Jonesboro, Forest Park and Lake City. Clck here for Riverdale rehab centers.

For Help Finding Suboxone Providers Near You Please Call (866) 256-3258 ? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with Addiction Treatment Magazine to connect you with a Provider or Addiction Recovery Resource, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

About Riverdale, GA Suboxone Doctors

Suboxone is a medication that is used to help treat those in Riverdale, GA who are addicted to opiates, whether pharmaceutical, illicitly-made, natural, or synthetic opiates. Suboxone is a combination of buprenorphine and naloxone. This medically assisted treatment (MAT) option is solely accessible through a doctor licensed to prescribe Subxone in Riverdale, GA who have completed addiction requirements to prescribe Suboxone to individuals addicted to opioids and are seeking help. To prevent abuse, Suboxone doctors may set forth a rule that patients come and take their dose at their office for the first weeks or months.

Before the year 2000, Methadone was the most widely accepted pharmaceutical treatment used for opioid addiction management, with the caveat that it could only be prescribed via a methadone clinic. These limitations made it difficult to access MAT for opiate addiction. The Drug Addiction Treatment Act of 2000 made it possible for individual practitioners to be able to apply for a waiver, allowing them to prescribe Suboxone. It is important to[be aware that there are still many rules and regulations for these doctors that limit treatment. This includes how many patients they are able to treat for addiction to painkillers and other opiates.

Dr. Victor Okeh MD
11 Upper Riverdale Rd SW
Riverdale, GA
0.56 miles from the center of Riverdale, GA
Jamil Davis NP
277 Medical Way
Riverdale, GA
1.18 miles from the center of Riverdale, GA
Dr. Iqbal Dhanani
1720 Phoenix BoulevardSuite 570
College Park, GA
4.02 miles from the center of Riverdale, GA
Dr. Raju Vanapalli MD
1115 Mount Zion RoadSuite J
Morrow, GA
4.17 miles from the center of Riverdale, GA
Dr. Andre Haynes MD
217 Arrowhead BoulevardBldg A-2
Jonesboro, GA
4.42 miles from the center of Riverdale, GA
Dr. Kenneth Lazarus
1250 Highway 54 West, Suite 102
Fayetteville, GA
4.53 miles from the center of Riverdale, GA
Dr. Asutosh Vyas MD
3000 Corporate Center DriveSuite 130
Morrow, GA
4.58 miles from the center of Riverdale, GA
Dr. Scott Miles MD
5155 GA Highway 40 East
5.12 miles from the center of Riverdale, GA
Dr. Nurul Hoque MD
5662 Williamsburg Drive
Norcross, GA
5.92 miles from the center of Riverdale, GA
Dr. Derek Richardson MD
1129 Hospital DriveSuite 3C
Stockbridge, GA
7.37 miles from the center of Riverdale, GA
Dr. Jeffrey Sherman MD
15 Habersham Drive
Fayetteville, GA
7.68 miles from the center of Riverdale, GA
Dr. Barry Hull MD
115 Habersham Drive
Fayetteville, GA
7.69 miles from the center of Riverdale, GA
Dr. Sukhshant Atti MD
50 Hurt Plaza
Atlanta, GA
7.98 miles from the center of Riverdale, GA
Dr. Eddie Beal
1093 Cleveland Avenue
East Point, GA
8.18 miles from the center of Riverdale, GA
Dr. Derek Scott MD
3645 Marketplace BlvdSte 130-692
8.47 miles from the center of Riverdale, GA
Dr. Ginari Price MD
101 Devant StreetSuite 504
Fayetteville, GA
8.5 miles from the center of Riverdale, GA
Idi Allen
101 Yorktown DriveSuite 211
Fayetteville, GA
8.5 miles from the center of Riverdale, GA
Wallace Green PA
1250 Highway 54 WestSuite 102
Fayetteville, GA
8.5 miles from the center of Riverdale, GA
Dr. David Williams MD
1046 Ridge Avenue
Atlanta, GA
8.5 miles from the center of Riverdale, GA
Dr. Peter Nwaizuzu MD
3750 N Henry Boulevard
Stockbridge, GA
8.76 miles from the center of Riverdale, GA
Omolola Otubaga NP
135 Bradford Square Suite B
Fayetteville, GA
8.92 miles from the center of Riverdale, GA
Dr. Betty Strong MD
2950 Stone Hogan Connector SW
Atlanta, GA
9.23 miles from the center of Riverdale, GA
Ngozi Orabueze NP
2049 Metropolitan Parkway SW
Atlanta, GA
9.35 miles from the center of Riverdale, GA
Dr. J. Richardson Jr MD
1755 The Exchange, Suite 225
Atlanta, GA
10.1 miles from the center of Riverdale, GA
Dr. Amit Patel MD
1365 Rock Quarry RoadSuite 202 & 301
Stockbridge, GA
10.25 miles from the center of Riverdale, GA
Dr. Ana Maria Platon MD
1506 Rock Quarry Road
Stockbridge, GA
10.25 miles from the center of Riverdale, GA
Subrahmanya Bhat M D
145 North Park Trail
Stockbridge, GA
10.79 miles from the center of Riverdale, GA
Dr. Paul Chang MD
1365 Rock Quarry RoadSuite 202
Stockbridge, GA
10.89 miles from the center of Riverdale, GA
Dr. Carlos Pulido MD
1365 Rock Quarry RoadSuite 202
Stockbridge, GA
10.89 miles from the center of Riverdale, GA
Dr. Vincent Galan MD
1365 Rock Quarry RoadSuite 301
Stockbridge, GA
10.89 miles from the center of Riverdale, GA

Choosing a Riverdale, GA Suboxone Doctor

There is no shortage of options when selecting a Suboxone Doctor in Riverdale, GA. Selecting a Doctor for Suboxone or Buprenorphine can be difficult, and it is critical to get the proper information. Suboxone is a drug, and like many other medications, abuse is common. Therefore, you and your loved ones must be asking the right questions. Suboxone does not cure addiction, but it can play a major role in the recovery process. If you are searching for a Suboxone Doctor in Riverdale, GA, always be certain that they fit your needs medically, clinically, and financially.

Success Rates of Suboxone Maintenance and Medically Assisted Detox

An addictive substance in itself, there is significant controversy on whether Suboxone actually helps individuals who are dependant on opioids. Some patients have reported great success with Suboxone treatment, whereas others did not. One study reported that while on Suboxone there was a decreased rate of prescription painkiller abuse at 49%, but only 8.6% exhibited abstinence once the Suboxone treatment had` ceased. Other studies have shown similar relapse rates of about 90%, regardless of whether Suboxone treatment was combined with therapy or not.

Alternatives to Suboxone Treatment in Riverdale, GA

Addiction, like other diseases, does not have a cure yet. As a result, there is a lot of debate regarding what the best treatment is. Some say ‘abstinence is best, the fewer chemicals we put in our bodies, the better.’ Others say, ‘I’d rather have my loved one alive and on medication, then die from an overdose.’ Very simply, the debate it ongoing; however, when following the recommendations of a qualified Suboxone Doctor in Riverdale, GA, you have a much greater chance of success.

Insurance coverage or cash pay options in Riverdale, GA

Those with and opioid addiction who are seeking out medication assisted treatment options in Riverdale, GA will definitely need to know the resources available to them. Information is important regardless of whether their insurance covers treatment or they are willing to pay cash monthly for their prescription. There are resources accessible to addicts that fall under any number of special circumstances. The cost will vary on a case by case basis which can be discussed with your local Riverdale, GA Suboxone doctor. Commonly, each doctor has a cost associated with each aspect of your treatment and any additional medical requirements. We advise talking with your individual insurance provider to make sure you have a solid understanding of how much of your Suboxone treatment will be paid for. For Medicaid or Medicare to pay for Suboxone treatment it must be listed on the preferred drug list. Additionally, only Suboxone prescribed by Medicare and Medicaid certified providers is covered by government insurance plans. Due to the fact that Suboxone is often given in an outpatient medication assisted treatment program Medicare may not cover it.

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