Suboxone Providers & Doctors in Eastman, GA

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Below is a comprehensive directory of suboxone doctors in Eastman, Georgia. Read more about Eastman suboxone treatment or click here to browse your local subxone doctors.

If you can't find a suboxone doctor close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Godwinsville, Plainfield, Chauncey and Empire. Clck here for Eastman rehab centers.

For Help Finding Suboxone Providers Near You Please Call (866) 256-3258 ? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with Addiction Treatment Magazine to connect you with a Provider or Addiction Recovery Resource, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

About Eastman, GA Suboxone Doctors

Suboxone, or Buprenorphine, is a commonly use drug used to treat Opioid Dependence. Ideally, Suboxone would be prescribed by a Physician, in conjunction with Substance Abuse Treatment, or 12 Step Program. Buprenorphine is munfactured in many forms; the most common include a sublingual strip, a transdermal patch, a subcutaneous injection, or a subdermal implant.

Dr. Reemon Bishara
842 Southbridge Boulevard
Savannah, GA
0.23 miles from the center of Eastman, GA
James Tison MD
1085 PLAZA Avenue
Eastman, GA
0.73 miles from the center of Eastman, GA
Tammie Oliver NP
1085 Plaza Avenue
Eastman, GA
0.73 miles from the center of Eastman, GA
Tonya Yawn-Lewis NP
1085 PLAZA Avenue
Eastman, GA
0.73 miles from the center of Eastman, GA
Dr. David Wilkie MD
300 Hospital Road
0.73 miles from the center of Eastman, GA
Dr. Sandra Gibbs MD
145 East Peacock StreetSuite 3
Cochran, GA
16.52 miles from the center of Eastman, GA
Brena Johnson
280 Wilow Creek Lane
18.37 miles from the center of Eastman, GA
Dr. Larry Gattis MD
155 Commerce Street
Hawkinsville, GA
18.69 miles from the center of Eastman, GA
Dr. Kenworth Holness Dr
1826 Veteran's Boulevard
Dublin, GA
26.92 miles from the center of Eastman, GA
Dr. Gwendolyn Morgan MD
1826 Veterans Boulevard
Dublin, GA
26.92 miles from the center of Eastman, GA
Amy Cravey NP
1085 Plaza Avenue
Eastman, GA
26.92 miles from the center of Eastman, GA
Dr. Theodore Smith MD
Atlanta, GA
27.75 miles from the center of Eastman, GA
Dr. Andre Haynes MD
1102 North Jefferson Street
Dublin, GA
28.69 miles from the center of Eastman, GA
Dr. Jameelah Gater MD
114 Harmony XingSuite 1
Eatonton, GA
35.25 miles from the center of Eastman, GA
Dr. Thomas Mann MD
120 Perry House Road
Fitzgerald, GA
36.14 miles from the center of Eastman, GA
Dr. Karunaker Sripathi MD
209 Wes Park Drive
Perry, GA
36.78 miles from the center of Eastman, GA
Dr. David Cox MD
1019 Keith DriveSuite B
Perry, GA
37.47 miles from the center of Eastman, GA
Dr. Carlos Buchhammer MD
1531 Watson Boulevard
Warner Robins, GA
39.38 miles from the center of Eastman, GA
Aimee Rieker NP
1531 Watson Boulevard
Warner Robins, GA
39.38 miles from the center of Eastman, GA
Valarie Young MD
200 Crescent Center Parkway
Tucker, GA
39.38 miles from the center of Eastman, GA
Dr. Vance Boddy MD
6084 Professional ParkwaySuite C
Douglasville, GA
39.78 miles from the center of Eastman, GA
Dr. Olusanmi Babatola MD
121 Carl Vinson Pkwy, Suite A
Warner Robins, GA
39.83 miles from the center of Eastman, GA
Tamika Martin
2054 Watson Boulevard
Warner Robins, GA
40.47 miles from the center of Eastman, GA
Dr. Abul Mansur Hasan MD
2054 Watson Boulevard
Warner Robins, GA
40.47 miles from the center of Eastman, GA
Doreen Abrigo
2054 Watson Boulevard
Warner Robins, GA
40.47 miles from the center of Eastman, GA
Dr. Mohammad Al-Shroof
2054 Watson Boulevard
Warner Robins, GA
40.47 miles from the center of Eastman, GA
Dr. Mokhtar Hacena
2054 Watson Boulevard
Warner Robins, GA
40.47 miles from the center of Eastman, GA
George Tindol MD
707 Pine St
Macon, GA
40.49 miles from the center of Eastman, GA
Dr. Stanford Williamson DO
108 Byrd WaySuite 100
Warner Robins, GA
41.37 miles from the center of Eastman, GA
Dr. Maher Abdulla MD
301 Osigian Boulevard
Warner Robins, GA
41.82 miles from the center of Eastman, GA

Choosing a Eastman, GA Suboxone Doctor

When choosing a Suboxone Doctor in Eastman, GAthere are a few important factors to think about. To ensure success via medication assisted treatment, selecting a practitioner that monitors your progress closely is an imperative aspect of recovery. Speak with the physician and ask them how closely they monitor their clients, if they typically allow patients to take a few doses of Suboxone home to be self-administered, and how long before they typically start allowing patients to self-administer multiple doses.

Some common factors that are good to consider when searching for a physician include whether they are taking new patients, their office proximity to the patient’s house, and if their office hours align with the patient’s schedule Due to limits on the number of patients a physician can treat, it may be difficult to located a qualified physician in or near Eastman, GA. However, if you work, go to school, or have a family that relies on you, then driving a long distance every day for your Suboxone treatment might not be practical. Our directory or helpline can help you in looking for a physician is a good match for your needs and who is currently accepting new patients.

Positive Outcomes with Suboxone Maintenance and Medication Assisted Detox

Success rates of Suboxone maintenance vary . from individual to individual. However, most can agree that Suboxone is the most realistic medically assisted detox option to battle opioid addiction. In regard to Suboxone as MAT, research has proven that similar to other medications used for opioid treatment there is still a risk for abuse. Due to the risk of abuse, it is highly advised by Suboxone physicians that MAT is monitored closely to increase the likelihood of success. To reiterate, the most significant success rates are observed when individuals on Suboxone for opioid abuse pair their prescription with other behavioral therapies and evidence-based options. Despite the stigma that some in the recovery community have, many believe the research is obvious and that Suboxone can create success stories!

Alternatives to Suboxone Treatment in Eastman, GA

The pharmaceutical substance Suboxone is a combination of two substances. Those substances are buprenorphine and naloxone, and the combination of the two has been approved by the FDA for opioid addiction treatment. However, over the past few years this treatment has received a great deal of criticism because of the rates of addiction to Subxone. There has also been an increase observed of patients in Suboxone treatment programs Eastman, GA having unintended overdoses. Due to this it has prompted others to look for alternative options. Other options patients have tried include methadone, going cold turkey, Subutex, or vivitrol. There are many options available and each individual should research every option available with their physician before .

Paying for Suboxone Treatment in Eastman, GA

Subxone is covered by many insurance companies to treat opiate addiction in Eastman, GA. Medicaid and Medicare do also cover treatment for addiction to prescription opiate painkillers and illicit opiates via Suboxone.Coverage may vary based on the specific insurance plan from each provider. Ask your insurance provider to verify your coverage and to locate a Eastman, GA Suboxone doctor that is in network with your insurance provider.

If an patient does not have insurance, the Suboxone brand does issue a savings card to to addicts who need help paying for treatment in Eastman, GA. Learn more at

Find Treatment (866) 296-3016 ? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with Addiction Treatment Magazine to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our privacy policy.

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