Suboxone Providers & Doctors in Modesto, CA

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Below is a comprehensive directory of suboxone doctors in Modesto, California. Read more about Modesto suboxone treatment or click here to browse your local subxone doctors.

If you can't find a suboxone doctor close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Bystrom, Shackelford, Riverdale Park and Ceres. Clck here for Modesto rehab centers.

For Help Finding Suboxone Providers Near You Please Call (866) 256-3258 ? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with Addiction Treatment Magazine to connect you with a Provider or Addiction Recovery Resource, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

About Modesto, CA Suboxone Doctors

Suboxone is a FDA-approved medication that is used to help treat people in Modesto, CA who are addicted to opiates, whether pharmaceutical, illicitly-made, natural, or synthetic opiates. Suboxone is a combination of buprenorphine and naloxone: a partial opioid agonist that relieves withdrawal symptoms and cravings without producing the same euphoria, and a opioid agonist that causes withdrawal symptoms if Suboxone is injected directly into the bloodstream. This medication assisted treatment (MAT) option is only available through Suboxone doctors in Modesto, CA who are specially qualified to prescribe Suboxone for opioid addiction treatment. To prevent abuse, Suboxone doctors may require that patients visit their office to take their doses at the beginning.

Before the year 2000, Methadone was the most frequently used medication used for the treatment of opioid addictions, with the caveat that it could only be prescribed via a methadone clinic. This limited access to MAT for addiction to opioid drugs. The Drug Addiction Treatment Act of 2000 made it possible for individual practitioners to be able to apply for a waiver, allowing them to prescribe Suboxone. It is important to[be aware that there are still many rules and regulations these doctors must follow that limit treatment, including limits to how many patients they are able to treat for addiction to painkillers and other opiates.

Dr. Jerome Robson MD
500 Coffee RoadSuite E
Modesto, CA
1.81 miles from the center of Modesto, CA
Marya Oakes
803 Coffee Road
Modesto, CA
1.83 miles from the center of Modesto, CA
Regina Flowers NP
2501 McHenry Ave
Modesto, CA
1.89 miles from the center of Modesto, CA
Dr. Aruna Rao MD
1101 Standiford AvenueSuite B-6
Modesto, CA
1.93 miles from the center of Modesto, CA
Edward Auen
1401 Spanos CourtSuite 122
Modesto, CA
1.93 miles from the center of Modesto, CA
Gerald Mckinsey
1441 Florida
Modesto, CA
1.93 miles from the center of Modesto, CA
Dr. Kathy Christopher MD
2020 Standiford Ave D3
Modesto, CA
1.93 miles from the center of Modesto, CA
Dr. Michael Gorman MD
401 paradise roadSUITE E
Modesto, CA
1.93 miles from the center of Modesto, CA
Dr. Lyn Raible MD
1235 McHenry AveAegis Treatment Centers
Modesto, CA
1.93 miles from the center of Modesto, CA
Berly Jaison MD
1441 Florida Avenue
Modesto, CA
1.96 miles from the center of Modesto, CA
Gail Stone NP
1441 Florida Avenue
Modesto, CA
1.96 miles from the center of Modesto, CA
Jaimie Kinlaw
1441 Florida Avenue
Modesto, CA
1.96 miles from the center of Modesto, CA
Lee Chen
Doctor Medical Center, Emergency Department1441 Florida Avenue
Modesto, CA
1.98 miles from the center of Modesto, CA
Divina Masaquel-Santiago
Doctors Medical Hospital1441 Florida Avenue
Modesto, CA
1.98 miles from the center of Modesto, CA
Elaine Joy Soriano
1540 Florida Avenue
Modesto, CA
1.98 miles from the center of Modesto, CA
Edward Outlaw MD
1130 Coffee RoadBuilding 5
Modesto, CA
2.12 miles from the center of Modesto, CA
Dr. Dale Fitzpatrick MD
1717 Coffee Road
Modesto, CA
2.66 miles from the center of Modesto, CA
Dr. Michael Gorman MD
830 Scenic Drive
Modesto, CA
2.83 miles from the center of Modesto, CA
Dr. Sasha Bluvshteyn MD
1320 Celeste Drive
Modesto, CA
2.88 miles from the center of Modesto, CA
Dr. Binh Dang MD
2209 Coffee Road
Modesto, CA
2.96 miles from the center of Modesto, CA
James Williamson PA
2209 Coffee Road
Modesto, CA
2.96 miles from the center of Modesto, CA
Dr. David Lyon
2209 Coffee Road, Suite M
Modesto, CA
2.96 miles from the center of Modesto, CA
Amaechi Ozor NP
1317 Oakdale Road Suite 800
Modesto, CA
2.99 miles from the center of Modesto, CA
Michael They NP
1317 Oakdale Road#800
Modesto, CA
2.99 miles from the center of Modesto, CA
Sarabjit Gill
1320 Standiford Avenue
Modesto, CA
3.61 miles from the center of Modesto, CA
Sharon Stokes NP
Stanislaus County Crisis Stabilization Unit 1904 Richland
Ceres, CA
3.79 miles from the center of Modesto, CA
Dr. Patrick Rhoades MD
1300 Mable Avenue
Modesto, CA
4.31 miles from the center of Modesto, CA
Dr. Rahi Daneshvar MD
Doctors Behavioral Health Center1501 Claus Road
Modesto, CA
4.8 miles from the center of Modesto, CA
Dr. James Kraus MD
Hughson Medical Office2412 3rd St
Hughson, CA
7.94 miles from the center of Modesto, CA
Dr. Qazi Mohsin MD
Emanuel Medical Center825 Delbon Avenue
Turlock, CA
12.61 miles from the center of Modesto, CA

Choosing a Modesto, CA Suboxone Doctor

When choosing a Suboxone Doctor in Modesto, CAthere are a number of factors to think about. To ensure success via MAT, choosing a practitioner that provides attentive care is critical for success. Connect with the Suboxone doctor and inquire regarding their Suboxone treatment practices, if they ever allow patients to self-manage taking doses, and how long before they typically start allowing patients to self-administer multiple doses.

Some common factors that are smart to consider when searching for a physician include whether they are taking new patients, how far they are from the patient, and if their office hours work with the patient’s schedule As a result of limits on the number of patients a Suboxone doctor can care for, it may be challenging to find a qualified Suboxone doctor in or near Modesto, CA. However, if you work, go to school, or have a family that relies on you, then driving a long distance every day for your Suboxone treatment may be difficult. Our directory or helpline can assist you in finding a Suboxone doctor who works well for you and who is currently taking new patients.

Positive Outcomes with Suboxone Maintenance and Medication Assisted Detoxification

Success rates of Suboxone maintenance vary . from individual to individual. However, most can agree that Suboxone is the most successful pharmaceutical detox option to battle opioid addiction. In regard to Suboxone as MAT, research has determined that like other medications used for opioid treatment there is still a possibility of abuse. With these types of risks, it is highly recommended by Suboxone physicians that MAT is monitored closely to increase the likelihood of success. To reiterate, the highest success rates are seen when individuals on Suboxone for opioid abuse combine their prescription with other behavioral therapies and evidence-based options. Despite the stigma that the recovery community may often face, lots of people believe the research is obvious and that medication assisted treatment can create success stories!

Alternatives to Suboxone Treatment in Modesto, CA

Addiction is one of the many diseases that does not have a cure. Consequently, there is a lot of debate regarding what the best treatment is. Some say ‘abstinence is best, the fewer chemicals we put in our bodies, the better.’ Others say, ‘I’d rather have my loved one alive and on medication, then die from an overdose.’ In summary, there isn’t a consensus; however, when following the recommendations of a reliable Suboxone Doctor in Modesto, CA, you have a much greater chance of success.

Insurance coverage or Self pay options in Modesto, CA

People seeking out MAT options in Modesto, CA will absolutely need to be informed on the options available to them. Whether they are eligible for coverage under private health insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, or willing to pay cash monthly for their prescription. There are resources accessible to individuals that meet any number of special circumstances. The out-of-pocket price will vary on a case by case basis which can be discussed with your local Modesto, CA Suboxone doctor. Generally, each provider has a cost associated with your office visit, counseling services, drug screenings, detox, or any additional medical requirements. We recommend discussing this with your individual insurance provider to make sure you have a strong understanding of how much of your Suboxone treatment will be paid for. For Medicaid or Medicare to pay for Suboxone treatment it must be listed on the preferred drug list. Additionally, only Suboxone prescribed by Medicare and Medicaid certified doctors is covered by government insurance plans. Being that Suboxone is sometimes prescribed by an outpatient MAT program it’s often not covered by Medicare.

Find Treatment (866) 296-3016 ? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with Addiction Treatment Magazine to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our privacy policy.

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