Suboxone Providers & Doctors in Winfield, AL

For Help Finding Suboxone Providers Near You Please Call (866) 256-3258 ? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with Addiction Treatment Magazine to connect you with a Provider or Addiction Recovery Resource, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Below is a comprehensive directory of suboxone doctors in Winfield, Alabama. Read more about Winfield suboxone treatment or click here to browse your local subxone doctors.

If you can't find a suboxone doctor close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Gu-Win, Glen Allen, Twin and Bazemore. Clck here for Winfield rehab centers.

For Help Finding Suboxone Providers Near You Please Call (866) 256-3258 ? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with Addiction Treatment Magazine to connect you with a Provider or Addiction Recovery Resource, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

About Winfield, AL Suboxone Doctors

Suboxone, also known as Buprenorphine, is a regularly prescribed substance used for opioid dependence treatment. Physicians who prescribe Suboxone will often also want to see tandem involvement in Substance Abuse Treatment, or 12 Step Program. Buprenorphine is munfactured in many forms; the most common are:

  • Suboxone Strips taken sublingually (under the tongue)
  • On the skin as a transdermal patch
  • a subcutaneous injection called Sublocade
  • Probuphine sells an implant that can provide continuous delivery for six months

Dr. Brent Boyett DO
2131 Military Street South
Hamilton, AL
17.82 miles from the center of Winfield, AL
Dr. Michelle Grana DO
2131 Military Street South
Hamilton, AL
17.82 miles from the center of Winfield, AL
Dr. Douglas Turner Jr MD
2131 Military Street South
Hamilton, AL
17.82 miles from the center of Winfield, AL
Dr. John Boswell MD
2131 Military Street South
Hamilton, AL
17.82 miles from the center of Winfield, AL
Dr. Adeniyi Koiki MD
2131 Military Street South
Hamilton, AL
17.82 miles from the center of Winfield, AL
Ginger Lowman
2131 Military Street S
Hamilton, AL
17.82 miles from the center of Winfield, AL
Dr. V. Reddy MD
42320 Highway 195
Haleyville, AL
23.22 miles from the center of Winfield, AL
Dr. Vanessa Ragland DO
42320 Highway 185
Haleyville, AL
23.22 miles from the center of Winfield, AL
Dr. Boyde Harrison MD
904 26th StreetPO Box 655
Haleyville, AL
23.32 miles from the center of Winfield, AL
Dr. Stanley Morrow DO
34885 US Highway 43
Hackleburg, AL
23.57 miles from the center of Winfield, AL
Dr. Jan Westerman MD
1280 Summit Drive
Jasper, AL
31.19 miles from the center of Winfield, AL
Dr. Donald Ashley Sr DO
1800 Bham Avenue
Jasper, AL
31.19 miles from the center of Winfield, AL
Foster Jones NP
5947 Highway 269
Parrish, AL
32.52 miles from the center of Winfield, AL
Jennifer Miller
5947 Highway 269
Parrish, AL
32.52 miles from the center of Winfield, AL
Dr. Larry Taylor DO
Gateway Health Center 2165 hwy 78, suite 103 4202 Edmonton Dr, Bessemer Alabama 35022
Dora, AL
36.95 miles from the center of Winfield, AL
Dr. Scottie Twilley DO
426 School St
Cordova, AL
37.02 miles from the center of Winfield, AL
Dr. Laura Washington MD
806 Earl Frye Boulevard
Amory, MS
39.13 miles from the center of Winfield, AL
Susan Garner NP
1105 Earl Frye Boulevard
Amory, MS
39.13 miles from the center of Winfield, AL
Dr. James Nabers DO
217 Hospital Road North West
Red Bay, AL
39.94 miles from the center of Winfield, AL
Dr. John Looney MD
211 Hospital Road
Red Bay, AL
39.94 miles from the center of Winfield, AL
Dr. Larry Taylor DO
2165 HIGHWAY 78 STE 103
Dora, AL
43.17 miles from the center of Winfield, AL
Dr. Nancy Duggar MD
415 Horse Creek Boulevard
Dora, AL
43.17 miles from the center of Winfield, AL
Dr. Mark Friloux MD
502 Jackson Street
Aberdeen, MS
43.35 miles from the center of Winfield, AL
Dr. Duke Wood DO
3600 Bluecutt Rd. Suite 201
Columbus, MS
45.75 miles from the center of Winfield, AL
Edith Faulkner
3600 Bluecutt Road. Ste 201
Columbus, MS
45.75 miles from the center of Winfield, AL
Dr. Don Beach MD
633 Lawrence Street
Moulton, AL
47.64 miles from the center of Winfield, AL
Dr. Samuel Gillespie MD
94 Medical Circle
Moulton, AL
48.1 miles from the center of Winfield, AL
Karen Kirby NP
94 Medical Circle
Moulton, AL
48.1 miles from the center of Winfield, AL
Dr. Sanjay Singh MD
5690 Watermelon RoadSuite 33
Northport, AL
48.59 miles from the center of Winfield, AL
Hannah Faulkner
405 belcher street
Northport, AL
49.6 miles from the center of Winfield, AL

Finding a Suboxone Doctor in Winfield, AL

When choosing a Suboxone doctor in Winfield, AL one should first do their research on the options that are accessible and covered by their insurance provider. In addition to finding financially viable doctors, make sure they are qualified. Qualified doctors and mid-level practitioners in the United States must have an X-license to be able to prescribe Suboxone as a medication assisted treatment option for an opioid addict. These individuals should also offer some sort of supplementary addiction support to ensure success whether that involves outpatient programs, or other evidence-based treatment options to support a positive outcome while on Suboxone.

Success Rates of Suboxone Maintenance and Medically Assisted Detox

There are a lot of inconsistencies in the success rates of Suboxone and Medically Assisted Detox, frequently depending on the quality of care. Not all Suboxone Doctors or Medically Assisted Detoxes provide the same level of care. Unfortunately, the healthcare industry is packed with fraud, and even the Suboxone Maintenance industry is not an exception to this. To encourage an increased success rate while on Suboxone Maintenance, we suggest using a reputable Suboxone Doctor.

Treatment via a Suboxone doctor can be paid for via insurance or cash pay. Always speak with the Suboxone Doctor, as to what their payment options are. Remember that depending on the doctor, even if they accept insurance, they may not accept yours. If they do accept your insurance, make sure you specifically inquire about what additional out of pocket costs may be associated. Lastly, always reach out to your insurance to check your deductible, out of pockets, and copays before going to the Suboxone Doctor in Winfield, AL.

Alternatives to Suboxone Treatment in Winfield, AL

Addiction is one of the many diseases without a cure. Consequently, there is a lot of debate regarding what the best treatment is. Some say ‘abstinence is best, the fewer chemicals we put in our bodies, the better.’ Others say, ‘I’d rather have my loved one alive and on medication, then die from an overdose.’ To sum it up, the debate it ongoing; however, when following the prescribed instructions of a qualified Suboxone Doctor in Winfield, AL, the probability of success increases exponentially.

Paying for Suboxone Treatment in Winfield, AL

Most private insurance companies provide coverage for Suboxone treatment programs to treat opiate addiction in Winfield, AL. Government healthcare plans such as Medicaid and Medicare do also cover treatment for addiction to prescription opiate painkillers and illicit opiates via Suboxone.Coverage may be different based on the specific insurance plan from each provider. Ask your insurance provider to confirm if your treatment is covered and to find a Winfield, AL Suboxone doctor that is in network with your insurance provider.

For those who are uninsured, the Suboxone brand does issue a savings card to help make this treatment more affordable to individuals in Winfield, AL. Learn more at

Find Treatment (866) 296-3016 ? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with Addiction Treatment Magazine to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our privacy policy.

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