Story entries are different from articles–readers tend to be “skimmers” who prefer their material short and easy to read. Story entries are very personal and provide the writer unique perspective on their journey. Whether you are a recovering addict, a healthcare professional, or the family member of an addict, you have a story that may be helpful to someone else experiencing what you went through.

Please take note of the following as you write your story.

  1. Original, unique content only. Your story can be told more than one way, so if you’ve written it before then give us a fresh perspective!
  2. Own your voice and write as you speak. Be engaging, clear, and specific.
  3. Share your personal expertise and experience. Write from your heart and address readers directly.
  4. Keep posts between 200 and 700 words.
  5. Include photos, but they must be original photos to which you own the rights.

Most stories are accepted, but we do reserve the right to deny publishing your story for any reason.

Submit Your Story

You can submit your story via the form below, or email your story to